Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Serial Rapist And Pervert Recieves 327 Year Prison Sentence

marc oleary mug shot.jpg
 Marc O'Leary: A Sick M@therFu$ker!

In October, Marc O'Leary pleaded guilty to brutally raping three women, including a 65-year-old, and attempting to do the same to a fourth who dove out a window to escape. He's now received his punishment: 327-and-a-half years in prison. And as is clear from the account below, he more than earned this jolt by his horrific behavior.

Between October 2009 and January 2011, O'Leary sexually assaulted three women over the course of several hours -- and a Golden Police affidavit in support of a warrantless arrest, on view below, provides details via the shocking story of one victim.

As was reported, the woman said she was awakened on a January morning by a masked man displaying a silver and black handgun. The man told her he would shoot her if she screamed, so she decided to cooperate, little knowing that her ordeal would last for more than four hours.

During this span, he dressed her in thigh high stockings and high heels he'd brought with him in a backpack that also included lubrication, moistened wipes and bottled water. In addition, he ordered her to apply makeup and lipstick and arrange her hair in pigtails, before photographing her in provocative poses he directed using a pink Sony camera. He also bound her using her own silk band, groped her breasts, probed her vagina and rectum, made her perform oral sex on him twice, forced intercourse without a condom and masturbated himself until he ejaculated on her face.

Afterward, the man instructed her to shower, and when she emerged, he was gone, along with all of the stuff he'd brought with him, plus her bed sheets, pajamas and panties.
The man, who said he'd been watching the woman since the previous August and had been in her apartment on multiple occasions, didn't remove his mask during his attacks. However, his victim saw the rest of him, including a shaved pubic area and an egg-shaped birthmark on his right leg that would prove key in identifying O'Leary. She also tried to draw him out in conversation, noting that he talked about the world consisting of "bravos and wolves."

Over the course of the subsequent investigation, Golden cops became aware of a similar case that had taken place in Lakewood the previous July -- one in which the victim says she suffered broken ribs, a punctured lung and fractured vertebrae. They also gained access to surveillance footage that caught a glimpse of a white pickup owned by O'Leary.

When officers later contacted O'Leary, they found he had a birthmark on his leg like the one recalled by his victim, as well as a pink Sony camera -- not to mention over 400 photos of sexual assaults.
By June, police suspected O'Leary of raping three women in Colorado, and trying to do the same to a fourth, in addition to sexually assaulting a woman in Washington state who was initially accused of false reporting. And testimony from court documents recalled the "bravos and wolves" remark the January rape victim remembered.
Specifically, one person quizzed by investigators at a June hearing said O'Leary was part of a "secret society" that saw the world as being divided into "alphas" and "bravos." O'Leary, of course, was an alpha, "and thus was entitled to have sexual intercourse with whomever he wanted."
From here on out, his options will be severely limited, at least in terms of gender. On Friday, the Jeffco DA's office notes that District Judge Phillip McNulty called O'Leary's actions "pure evil" and said that if he didn't smack him with a sentence long enough to keep him off the streets forever, he would be derelict in his duty.

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