Saturday, October 29, 2011

More White Parents Are Adopting Black Children to Torture And Kill

Should they be allowed to adopt black children?


Adoptive parents of Ethiopian girl, 13, charged with homicide after she was found naked and dead following years of abuse and starvation

A Washington couple has been charged with homicide by abuse in the death of their 13-year-old daughter who was adopted from Ethiopia.

Larry and Carri Williams, of Sedro-Woolley, were arrested on Thursday and jailed on $500,000 bond. Prosecutors say the girl, Hana Williams, lived in a closet and was denied meals for days at a time.
Tragic: Ethiopian adoptee Hana Williams, 13, lived in a closet and was denied meals for days at a time, according to police
Tragic: Ethiopian adoptee Hana Williams, 13, lived in a closet and was denied meals for days at a time, according to police

The Skagit Valley Herald reports Carri Williams called 911 early May 12 and reported Hana was not breathing.
Williams said the girl was being 'rebellious' and that she had seen her daughter falling down and staggering in the backyard, and that the girl had taken all her clothes off. She said Hana had refused to come into the house before she was found face down down in the backyard with mud in her mouth.

She was taken to the hospital, where she died of hypothermia at 1:30am.
However, an autopsy found malnutrition and a stomach infection were contributing factors.
In July, seven remaining children were removed from the Williams home and placed in foster care.
Innocent: Hana died of hypothermia on May 12. An autopsy found malnutrition and a stomach infection were contributing factors
Innocent: Hana died of hypothermia on May 12. An autopsy found malnutrition and a stomach infection were contributing factors

Scene: Matriarch Carri Williams said the girl had refused to come into the home and was found face down in the backyard with mud in her mouth
Scene: Matriarch Carri Williams said the girl had refused to come into the home and was found face down in the backyard with mud in her mouth

Larry and Carri Williams were also charged with first-degree child assault due to the regular physical abuse of Hana’s 10-year-old brother, who was adopted with her in 2008.
Both children were treated differently from the couple's six biological children, who ranged in age from seven to 17, according to an affidavit from the Skagit County sheriff's office.
The document alleges the Williams repeatedly denied Hana food, locked her in a dark closet and beat her with a long plastic tube.
They also made her sleep in a barn, shower outside with a garden hose and even sit outside while the family celebrated Christmas inside.
She had allegedly lost 30lbs in the two years leading up to her death, leading the coroners office to report her body was unable to maintain enough heat when the temperature dropped to 42 degrees the evening she died.
The couple is being held on bail at Skagit County Jail, according to country prosecutor Rich Weyrich.
Weyrich said couple is expected to be arraigned next week. If convicted, the Williamses face potential life sentences.

And Meanwhile out in CALI......

Kevin and Elizabeth Schatz, Religious Nuts, Beat Adopted Liberian Daughter, 7, to Death for Mispronouncing Word


The Schatz's homeschooled their nine children and grew their own food. Which would all be well and good if they weren't also followers of nutbag Tennessee evangelist Michael Pearl. His schtick is to teach parents to beat their children so they become more obedient to God and family.

Apparently their 7-year-old daughter Lydia was struggling with one of her homeschool lessons and she mispronounced a word. That might be expected since the girl's formative years were spent in Liberia. But the Schatz's decided that God wanted her beaten. So they did.

Police say Elizabeth held the girl down while Kevin beat her on the back with a plastic tube for hours. The torture caused massive tissue damage.

When Lydia stopped breathing, Elizabeth called 911. Medical workers resuscitated her at a nearby hospital. But Lydia died later Saturday morning. 

Police also found that another 11-year-old adopted girl had been beaten for lying and supposedly being a bad influence on Lydia. She is now in critical condition at a Sacramento hospital suffering from kidney failure due to her injuries. Kevin and Elizabeth Schatz never treated their own biological children with the same type of abuse; just the black ones.

Detectives found a 15-inch piece of tubing believed to have been used in the beatings. Both parents have been charged with murder.
UPDATE:  Kevin Schatz was sentenced to two life terms for second-degree murder and torture and will have to serve at least 22 years. Elizabeth Schatz was sentenced to 13 years, four months for voluntary manslaughter and infliction of unlawful corporal punishment. The prison terms were part of the plea bargain with prosecutors. Before pleading guilty to amended charges on April 8, the Schatzes were charged with first-degree murder and torture and had faced two life terms in prison.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Should his fans believe his story?


Steven Tyler

Aerosmith front man Steve Tyler says he slipped in the bathtub-however, I suspect CRACK is the real culprit.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trailer Trash Gone Wild;parents locked son in filthy room in rodent-infested trailer for three years

A 14-year-old boy with mental problems was kept locked in a filthy room in a mice-infested trailer for three years, it is alleged.

The boy, described by his mother as retarded(developmentally delayed), was only allowed out to take care of the family's ducks, to clean and to eat, police say. He ate only about four times a week.

Authorities appear to have missed numerous chances to intervene despite visiting the address numerous times; they really could've cared less. 
Charged: Amanda Joliff was jailed on Friday, accused of keeping her 14 year old son locked up in a filthy trailer for three years
Charged: Amanda Joliff was jailed on Friday, accused of keeping her 14 year old son locked up in a filthy trailer for three years

Police visited the home at least three times since 2007 but, incredibly, failed to notice that anything was wrong.   The boy's mother Amanda Joliff,  her boyfriend Richard Smith and the boy's sister had kept him locked in the room since early 2008, he told police. 

The child was found on September 27, hiding under a neighbour's porch, while his mother and her boyfriend took a trip to New York.

Police described desperate scenes inside the trailer. The child's room was filled with junk and had a soiled mattress with no sheets. The only window was boarded up and there appeared to be a leak in the ceiling,  police said.
Mice had eaten through boxes of pasta which were his main source of sustenance.

Two dogs, six birds including two ducks, and four toads lived inside the trailer, and another dog lived outside.

The home reeked of animal urine and faeces, police said.
Joliff claimed that the lock on the plywood door to the boy's room was originally installed because he had once run away. But she admitted to locking him up when she got upset with him or when he was in trouble, police said.

The boy and his sister stayed at home with their 'father' while their mother was in New York, a neighbour told police.
Boyfriend: Richard Smith and his girlfriend, Amanda Joliff face false imprisonment, child abuse and neglect charges after Joliff's 14-year-old son was found hiding under a neighbour's porch
Boyfriend: Richard Smith and his girlfriend, Amanda Joliff face false imprisonment, child abuse and neglect charges after Joliff's 14-year-old son was found hiding under a neighbour's porch

His father and sister decided to move out of the trailer on September 27 but told him he would have to wait another day to leave, the boy said. They gave him $5 to find a place to stay and he crawled underneath a neighbour's porch to sleep, too afraid to ask for help, he said. Police acknowledged Friday that they previously had visited the home but had seen no signs of abuse.

They believed the family was just poor white trash and left. Police were first called to the address in February 2007 after the family's dog bit a boy.
A male child who lived at the home showed up at a bar to listen to country western music in August 2010, Mathis said, after which police took him home.

Abuse: Police were called to the home where a 14-year-old boy with mental problems was locked in a filthy room numerous times
Abuse: Police were called to the home where a 14-year-old boy with mental problems was locked in a filthy room numerous times
Disgraceful: Neighbour Julie Logan holds her mouth while looking for her cat at the trailer house
Disgraceful: Neighbour Julie Logan holds her breath while looking for her cat at the trailer house

A year later, police were again called to the home because neighbours had complained about unlicensed dogs. Lt Lee Mathis said police never entered the home during those visits and didn't notice anything suspicious.

'If we had any indication of what was going on, we would have taken action,' he said.

Joliff, 36, and Smith, 31, have been jailed on charges of false imprisonment, child abuse and neglect. A public defender assigned to represent Joliff declined to comment saying he hadn't reviewed the case yet.

Father Caught on Hidden Camera Trying to Kill His Newborn Son

Father 'filmed trying to kill his newborn on a hidden camera set up by his girlfriend to catch him cheating'

A father has been caught trying to kill his two-month-old son on a 'cheating cam' set up by his girlfriend.

Joshua Robey was caught on a hidden camera swinging his newborn son by the neck in a 'noose like' blanket.
The 24-year-old was also caught punching his son and covering the screaming baby's mouth with his hand.
Joshua Robey, 24, was arrested Friday after he was allegedly caught on a hidden camera trying to kill his son, who is two months old. His girlfriend set up the camera to catch him cheating on her
Joshua Robey, 24, was arrested Friday after he was allegedly caught on a hidden camera trying to kill his son, who is two months old. His girlfriend set up the camera to catch him cheating on her
The alleged murder attempt was caught on a video camera set up by his girlfriend as she suspected Robey of cheating on her.
Instead she caught her boyfriend attempting to kill their newborn son.
According to prosecutors Robey was babysitting his son Tuesday in the Anaheimm California, home of his girlfriend and her mother.

He didn't know he was being filmed by a secret camera and proceeded to wrap a blanket around his son's neck like a noose before swinging the infant around for more than a minute.

The father then allegedly put the baby back down to punch him in the chest, slap him, shake him in the air and grab the baby by the throat.
Prosecutors said the tape showed Robey placing a hand over his son's mouth to suffocate him as he cried out in pain.
The baby's mother discovered the alleged abuse the next morning when she watched the video on the hidden camera.
It is not thought she contacted police immediately but her mother took the baby to hospital when she learned of the video and called police.
Robey was arrested at motel and is being held on $1million bond. The extent of the baby’s injuries has not been revealed.
Prosecutors said Robey faces up faces up to 15 years in prison after being charged with attempted murder and torture. White Folks Gone

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Top Level CDC Official and Her Boyfriend Charged with Child Molestation AND Beastiality

Police said it all stems from what they did with with a 6-year-old child.
DeKalb County police said Dr. Kimberly Lindsey, 44, and Thomas Westerman, 42, turned themselves in on Sunday after they learned warrants for their arrests had been issued.
Lindsey is a deputy director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office at the CDC.
Police said the couple molested a 6-year-old boy in January of last year and then again in August inside the couple’s home on Springbrook Drive near Decatur.
No one answered when Channel 2’s Tom Jones went to the home and knocked on the door.
A worker removing a storage unit from the couple’s yard said he couldn’t reach them either. The worker was stunned when he learned the charges the couple faced.
“I find it real shocking, ’cause, yeah, you never know who you’re dealing with or where they’re moving. That’s a good thing to know right there,” Ralph MacArthur said.
Police said the couple would include the child in their sex acts.
Investigators said Westerman allowed the boy to spank Lindsey’s nude buttocks and let him use an electric sex toy on her.

Detectives said Lindsey also performed lewd acts on two pets.
Officers said a medical professional treating the victim alerted police.
“These cases are reported to us on a daily basis,” DeKalb County District Attorney Robert James said.
James couldn’t talk about the case because it may come before his office. But he did say he has prosecuted many cases where parents abuse children.
“Oftentimes when a child is abused I can tell you that it’s typically someone that the child knows,” James said.
At last check, Lindsey was being held at the DeKalb County Jail on a $20,000 bond. She also faces a felony bestiality charge.
The CDC had no comment other than to say its policy is to let situations like this play out in the criminal justice system.
Westerman was released on a $15,000 bond.

Detectives said Lindsey also performed lewd acts on two pets.

Terry Thompson, Muskingum County Animal Farm Owner, Allegedly Killed Self After Freeing Exotic Animals

ZANESVILLE, Ohio — Sheriff's deputies shot nearly 50 wild animals – including 18 rare Bengal tigers and 17 lions – in a big-game hunt across the state's countryside Wednesday after the owner of an exotic-animal park threw their cages open and committed suicide in what may have been one last act of spite against his neighbors and police.
As homeowners nervously hid indoors, officers armed with high-powered rifles and shoot-to-kill orders fanned out through fields and woods to hunt down 56 animals that had been turned loose from the Muskingum County Animal Farm by owner Terry Thompson before he shot himself to death Tuesday.
After an all-night hunt that extended into Wednesday afternoon, 48 animals were killed. Six others – three leopards, a grizzly bear and two monkeys – were captured and taken to the Columbus Zoo. A wolf was later found dead, leaving a monkey as the only animal still on the loose.

Those destroyed included six black bears, two grizzlies, a wolf, a baboon and three mountain lions. Dead animals were being buried on Thompson's farm, officials said.
"It's like Noah's Ark wrecking right here in Zanesville, Ohio," lamented Jack Hanna, TV personality and former director of the Columbus Zoo.
Hanna defended the sheriff's decision to kill the animals but said the deaths of the Bengal tigers were especially tragic. There are only about 1,400 of the endangered cats left in the world.
As the hunt dragged on outside of Zanesville, population 25,000, schools closed in the mostly rural area of farms and widely spaced homes 55 miles east of Columbus. Parents were warned to keep children and pets indoors. And flashing signs along highways told motorists, "Caution exotic animals" and "Stay in vehicle."

Officers were ordered to kill the animals instead of trying to bring them down with tranquilizers for fear that those hit with darts would escape in the darkness before they dropped and would later regain consciousness.
"These animals were on the move, they were showing aggressive behavior," Sheriff Matt Lutz said. "Once the nightfall hit, our biggest concern was having these animals roaming."
The sheriff would not speculate why Thompson killed himself and why he left open the cages and fences at his 73-acre preserve, dooming the animals he seemed to love so much.
Thompson, 62, had had repeated run-ins with the law and his neighbors. Lutz said that the sheriff's office had received numerous complaints since 2004 about animals escaping onto neighbors' property. The sheriff's office also said that Thompson had been charged over the years with animal cruelty, animal neglect and allowing animals to roam.
He had gotten out of federal prison just last month after serving a year for possessing unregistered guns.
John Ellenberger, a neighbor, speculated that Thompson freed the animals to get back at neighbors and police. "Nobody much cared for him," Ellenberger said.
Angie McElfresh, who lives in an apartment near the farm and hunkered down with her family in fear, said "it could have been an `f-you' to everybody around him."
Thompson had rescued some of the animals at his preserve and purchased many others, said Columbus Zoo spokeswoman Patty Peters.
It was not immediately clear how Thompson managed to support the preserve and for what purpose it was operated, since it was not open to the public.

 But Thompson had appeared on the "Rachael Ray Show" in 2008 as an animal handler for a zoologist guest, said show spokeswoman Lauren Nowell.

The sheriff's office started getting calls Tuesday evening that wild animals were loose just west of Zanesville. Deputies went to the animal preserve and found Thompson dead and all the cages open. Several aggressive animals were near his body and had to be shot, the sheriff said.
Sheriff's Deputy Jonathan Merry was among the first to respond Tuesday. He said he shot a number of animals, including a gray wolf and a black bear. He said the bear charged him and he fired his pistol, killing it with one shot when it was about 7 feet away.
"All these animals have the ability to take a human out in the length of a second," said Merry, who called himself an animal lover but said he knew he was protecting the community.
"What a tragedy," said Barb Wolfe, a veterinarian with The Wilds, a nearby zoo-sponsored wild animal preserve. She said she managed to hit a tiger with a tranquilizer dart, but the animal charged toward her and then turned and began to flee before the drug could take effect, and deputies shot the big cat.
At an afternoon news conference, the sheriff said that the danger had passed and that people could move around freely again, but that the monkey would probably be shot because it was believed to be carrying a herpes disease.
"It was like a war zone with all the shooting and so forth with the animals," said Sam Kopchak, who was outside Tuesday afternoon when he saw Thompson's horses acting up. Kopchak said he turned and saw a male lion lying down on the other side of a fence.
"The fence is not going to be a fence that's going to hold an African lion," Kopchak said.
Danielle Berkheimer said she was nervous as she drove home Tuesday night and afraid to let her two dogs out in the yard.
"When it's 300-pound cats, that's scary," she said. She said it had been odd Tuesday night to see no one out around town, and the signs warning drivers to stay in their cars were "surreal."
Some townspeople were saddened by the deaths. At a nearby Moose Lodge, Bill Weiser said: "It's breaking my heart, them shooting those animals."

Ohio has some of the nation's weakest restrictions on exotic pets and among the highest number of injuries and deaths caused by them. At least nine people have been injured since 2005 and one person was killed, according to Born Free USA, an animal advocacy group.
On Wednesday, the Humane Society of the United States criticized Gov. John Kasich for allowing a statewide ban on the buying and selling of exotic pets to expire in April. The organization urged the state to immediately issue emergency restrictions.
"How many incidents must we catalog before the state takes action to crack down on private ownership of dangerous exotic animals?" Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO, said in a statement.
Kasich said Wednesday during a meeting of Dix Communications editors: "Clearly, we need tougher laws. We haven't had them in this state. Nobody's dealt with this, and we will. And we'll deal with it in a comprehensive way."
Barney Long, an expert at the World Wildlife Fund, noted that tigers in general are endangered. He said there appear to be fewer of them living in the wild than there are in captivity in the U.S. alone. Over the last century, the worldwide population has plunged from about 100,000 in the wild to as few as 3,200, he said.
More than half are Bengal tigers, which live in isolated pockets across Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, India and Bangladesh, he said in a telephone interview
"The tragic shooting of 18 tigers in Ohio really highlights what is happening on a daily basis to tigers in the wild throughout Asia," Long added in an email. "Their numbers are being decimated by poaching and habitat loss, and that is the real travesty here."

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Teen who killed family on Donaldson ranch goes free

October 8, 2010 9:11 p.m. EDT

While in custody, Cody Posey completed high school and nearly two years' worth of college credits, his uncle said.

 His father made him have sex with everybody in the house.

 A young man who was 14 when he shot and killed his family on a New Mexico ranch owned by newsman Sam Donaldson has been freed, a spokeswoman for the state's youth and families agency said Saturday.
Cody Posey had just finished the eighth grade when he was arrested on July 7, 2004, in connection with the slayings of his father, stepmother and stepsister.
He confessed to the slayings, but said he snapped after years of physical and psychological abuse. He said he fatally shot his father, Paul Posey, 34, stepmother, Tryone Posey, 44, and stepsister, Mairlea Schmid, 13, and then used a backhoe to bury their bodies inside a manure pile.
Posey was convicted in February 2006 of voluntary manslaughter for his father's death, second degree murder for his stepmother's death and first degree murder for his stepsister's death.
The state asked the court to impose the maximum adult sentence, life without parole. But Judge James Waylon Counts ruled that it was possible Posey could be rehabilitated and sentenced him as a juvenile offender. Once he reached 21, he could no longer be held as a juvenile and was free to go.
Posey turned 21 on Saturday, according to his uncle, Carl Clees.
"He has a bright future. I see no problems with him progressing and getting on with his life like the rest of us," Clees said.
Romaine Serna, spokeswoman for New Mexico's Children Youth and Families Department, confirmed Saturday that Posey is a free man.
While in custody, Posey obtained his high school degree and completed nearly two years worth of college credits, Clees said, adding that he had no disciplinary issues and served as a mentor to other youths.
The Posey family lived and worked on the Chavez Canyon Ranch in Hondo, New Mexico, owned by Donaldson, a former anchor at ABC News. It was Donaldson who discovered the bloody scene inside the Poseys' home on July 6.
Donaldson was the first witness to testify at Posey's trial in Children's Court in 2006.
Posey's defense called 40 witnesses, including ranch hands who claimed they witnessed years of physical and psychological abuse by Posey's father.
Testifying in his defense, Posey described the night before the shootings.
His father and stepmother summoned him to the master bedroom and tried to force him to have sex with his stepmother, he testified. When Posey refused, his father burned him with a heated metal rod, he testified.
Posey said he ran from the room. He was still reeling from the encounter the next morning when his father slapped him while he was doing chores.
He said he decided to grab a gun from Marilea's saddle bag, and then shot each member of his family in the head.
"I was thinking my world would be better and the whole world would be better without him," he told police shortly after his arrest.
In his confession, Posey admitted that after burying the bodies in the manure pile, he tried to stage the scene to look like a burglary. He said he took the family's pickup and visited friends, where he spent the night, lying about where his family was.
Donaldson told jurors he called the police soon after finding a large amount of congealed blood in the house and a "disturbing, red, dry swath" across the floor where the bodies had been dragged.
The bloody trail and backhoe tracks led police to the manure pile where the badly decomposed bodies were discovered.
Although the shootings occurred within seconds of each other, the jury returned different verdicts for each victim, siding in part with Posey's claims of abuse.
But now, Posey just wants a fresh start, his uncle said. "I'm excited for him. I look forward to helping him as much as possible," Clees said.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011