Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Parents of Teens Lost at Sea Should Already be in Jail

Image result for missing teens in florida fishing

By Xavier James


The parents of the missing 14-year-olds whose boat was found capsized off the Florida coast, are offering $100,000 reward for their rescue. That’s more con game coming from  parent’s intent on keeping people searching for the dead boys.


Oh yeah, the sharks already ate them. You and I both know that sharks are attacking white folks with a vengeance; biting off their arms and legs and if they can’t get to them they’re biting the surf boards. It’s as if Mother Nature is after them.


How is it possible to let your children go unsupervised out to sea and not be in handcuffs? Answer: BE WHITE! You’ve got to be six-teen in most states to even operate a car. Other fishermen said that they came back to shore when they heard a storm was coming. But they saw the two teens going into the storm. How stupid was that? But I keep hearing the two sea- hag looking mothers, all over the news, talking about what great boaters their sons are. Yeah right!


 Child protective services are always trying to charge black folks with child endangerment for everything they do; especially corporal punishment. No wonder white boys will shoot up a school; no supervision, no discipline and definitely no consequences for their actions. Yet they are the first ones to tell other cultures about child rearing. Black folks, you’d be dam fools to listen to any white person tell you anything about child rearing; period!

Image result for missing teens in florida fishing
 Sea-hags looking for lost sailors who
they failed as parents.

Exposed: White America's Drug Epidemic Destroying A Generation
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Link: http://amzn.com/B00VIQL7J8

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